Each year, the Mapuche people celebrate We Tripantu, an important ancient tradition which, between June 21 and 24, marks a new beginning – a change of cycle propelled by nature’s constantly renewing energy.

This date coincides with the winter solstice, an astronomical phenomenon interpreted by this ancestral culture as the “rebirth of life”. It is similar to a new year, but with a much more profound meaning, as the bond with nature is an essential part of this culture’s beliefs. To them, this day marks the “beginning of the return” of the sun. To be exact, this event occurs when our planet reaches its maximum distance from the sun. This is the longest night of the year and the days that follow are also longer.

At the start of the We Tripantu, the sun “begins to return” and nature experiences multiple changes: the rains arrive which will bring new sprouts, the rivers renew their waters, the birds rise early, the animals shed their coats. All of the Earth’s energies are renewed.

According to the Mapuche beliefs, humans are thoroughly connected with nature, which means all of this transformative energy also affects people and communities. The sun, moon, rain, ocean and wind are elements that must always remain in balance so that we can live in good health and harmony.