Sandra Naiman lives in the small, quiet town of Quinchao, an island in the Archipelago of Chiloe. A charming Williche woman, Sandra is proud of the beautiful organic farm she has cultivated with her own hands. With no outside help and using only traditional methods, she has been able to create this space which captivates her visitors while preserving her ancestral traditions.

Tourists from around the world visit her orchard, take in its superb view and try its delicious artisanal products. But above all, they admire her unique, close-to-nature lifestyle. Sandra welcomes them warmly and offers a friendly tour through her farm, explaining her daily routines and answering questions from impressed visitors.

“Our conversations are lovely because, as they are foreigners, they also tell me about their experiences in their countries so we exchange knowledge,” says Sandra, who has worked with Tierra Chiloe for over seven years as part of the cultural activities offered to guests by the hotel.

“I’m really happy with the work I do. Although I mostly work alone, I see results and I know it can be done. Anyone can do it with a little sacrifice and patience,” Sandra explains with pride.