Embark on a fun, marine adventure and glide along the tranquil waters of Pullao Bay and wetlands, one of the most biodiverse places on the Rilán Peninsula.

The protected waters of the bay are ideal for beginners to the watersport while experienced paddlers can test their skills.

Soak in the scenic beauty of the surroundings and keep a lookout for various species of birds – residents and migratory, including the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica), an emblematic species from Alaska that has chosen Chiloé’s wetlands as one of its regular routes to spend the austral summer.

1 Stand up Paddling
2 Stand up Paddling

The inland sea is home to a vast array of marine animals including four kinds of dolphins, sea lions, river and sea otters, and, during certain seasons, whales like orcas and humpbacks.